💔Before you start the test make sure you're not influenced by any strong emotions or feelings (like sadness or hunger). 🙂
This can affect the test result greatly!
Socionics, a modern evolution of Jung’s Psychological Types, focuses on understanding personality dynamics and relationships. Meetch uses this system to predict compatibility and create matches based on personality interplay, ensuring deeper, more meaningful connections.
Socionics’ main goal is to study relationships between 16 types as individuals as well as small group interactions.
MBTI studies only the 16 types as individuals with their pros and cons.
Socionics’ personality type is identified by test AND often another method, such as an interview. The interview is often provided by a specialist with experience in Socionics. Non-verbal communication, like mannerisms and gestures, are key to identifying the type correctly. This in depth analysis of the person helps to identify the type you were born with and that will never change. This also leads to more profound and in-depth descriptions on Socionics’ types.
MBTI’s personality type can be identified by taking the test only. Often enough the test result is the person’s own vision of himself or what he would like to look like. The result is correct only if the person knows themselves very well. Therefore, MBTI type can change during the lifetime, for example when you dramatically change your surroundings or something significant happens in your life.
Socionics’ intertype relationships are asymmetrical, meaning that each personality type interacts completely differently with every other type. Knowing exactly how the interaction will go Socionics can predict relationship development with any type and help you to learn which peronality types are more or less compatible with yours.
MBTI suggests that intertype relationships are symmetrical and you can achieve the same outcomes interacting with any other type.
Check out this book "Psychological Types: Why Are People So Different?"